Fieldays special - AI starter pack for $20K including image capture, model creation, custom dashboard and testing.

Life on the edge!!!

Using new and discruptive technology can be a headache for many. Common problems we here weekly are:

1. Our key stakeholders don't see the potential.

2. We're not sure whether this will work for our business and customers.

3. We're struggling to figure out the holistic Return on Investment (ROI).

4. We cant find anyone to help us get going?

5. How do I make it affordable, secure and not risk our clients privacy?

To solve this challenge we recently created our "Introduction to Disruptive Technology & implementation 101" training initiative. Not only does this raise awareness of the opportunities within disruptive technology, provide a framework to identify opportunities and Return On Investment (ROI), it also provides training to get your team going started with delivering results with either:

Option A: Mobile app in a day (using Gruntify for offline workforce management)

Option B: Dashboard in a day (using PowerBI)

Option C: Remote monitoring (IoT) in a day (using IoT Central)

Option D: Image recognition on the edge (using AWS DeepLens)

Note: You may also be able to get this training funded by NZTE (we can help you work with your local representative). 

As an example of image recognition on the edge, we recently worked on removing a clients usual constraints of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and security / privacy in the cloud, by tuning open source image recognition models to work on the edge (using the AWS Deeplens) to count traffic at intersections.

AI on the edge


To reduce costs, we send the basic statistics (not images) over the SIGFOX 0G network into our clients re-usable IoT Platform so the data can be processed with pro-active alerts and analysed against other data streams such as weather, events, complaints etc...).

Edge technology (linking AI + IoT) is maturing all the time and creating new opportunities to save costs and / or create new services for your customers. 

An exciting time to be involved in adding value to business through technology. 

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